First Post

Finally, after many months of putting it off, I have made a start on creating this website. It's main purpose is to be a showcase for photos which I think might be of interest to others and which otherwise would never get seen by anyone other than myself. In these days of digital photography it is very easy to add photos to a site such as this so I will mostly be working backwards with albums containing the latest photos being included first. Older photos ,which first require to be scanned or digitized, will follow later.

My main focus is video and these can be viewed on But I will be including very short extracts in this website. 

During the summer of 2013 I visited Prince William Sound at the northern tip of the Gulf of Alaska. In Summer 2012 I went to Glacier Bay and, before long, I hope there will be a selection of photos posted from these trips. If I can find the time and maintain the momentum there should be many others coming up so - if you have an interest in these kinds of photos - check in from time to time.

© Tony 2013